Richael Faithful

Richael Faithful (they/them) is a U.S. based and nationally-known inter/multidisciplinary healer. Richael has been in movement for twenty years, in which they are trained as a community organizer, licensed as a movement lawyer, initiated as a traditional folk healer, seasoned as a strategist and facilitator and celebrated as a writer, artist and producer. Richael’s vast experience and skills are woven together to support their long-time work in healing justice, a political framework that seeks to end systemic violence on our medicines, bodies, and environments and instead, build the traditions, practices, and collective resources that heal us. Richael’s influences include U.S. southern roots, love politic, and ancestral-futurism. They are regarded as a healer’s healer, and are among a cohort of global culture workers transforming generational cycles of harm.

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